Thursday, January 10, 2008

Iran's Version: The Strait Of Hormuz "Incident"

Iran released this video countering America's fake video, claiming that Iran's speed boats were:

"In what U.S. officials called a serious provocation, Iranian boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, threatening to explode the American vessels." [Courtesy Of: The Associated Press]

Also, an unidentified Pentagon official called this 'incident' in the Strait of Hormuz "a serious provocation." Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman referred to it as a "serious incident." [The Associated Press]

Mr. Gordon Johndore, National Security Council spokesman said the United States urges the Iranians "to refrain from such provocative actions that could lead to a dangerous incident in the future." [The Associated Press]

This "fabricated incident," reminds me of another fabricated and overblown "incident" by the name of "The Gulf Of Tonkin."

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