Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Sayanim: Israel's Sleeper Cells

David vs. Goliath, An Interview With Gilad Atzmon

By Simon Jones
April 6, 2005

****It was clear that in most cases, we had to make sure that Nazis were never brought to justice. We understood that an act of jurisdiction would dilute the impact of the Holocaust. It would bring about a resolution and perhaps even establish a disastrous reconciliation between the Jewish world and the gentiles...****
911 and the emergence of what looks verrry much like a US-Israeli imperial axis have turned politics on its head, creating a frightening surge of violence and unrest around the world... A few figures of resistance have dared to challenge this new order on the political stage (let's hear it for Chavez!).

On the cultural scene, there are as yet few voices helping us to make sense of the growing threat to thepre-911 world order. One remarkable voice is Gilad Atzmon, an ex-Israeli musician and writer.

A veritable David - a sabra, as native Israelis like to call themselves, he dares to point his finger (sling-shot?) at the once persecuted, now triumphant Jewish Goliath, marching towards its vision of a Greater Israel, meanwhile, dragging the rest of us along on the road to war and chaos.

...Gilad Atzmon has been inspiredby his own experience as part of this emerging world order to raise hisvoice against it. His internet essays at < > are trenchant dissections of Israel's ruthless colonial mentality...

...He is also...exposing the opportunistic use of Jewish suffering to promote the State of Israel.

...Mossad's motto is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

Gilad uses fiction to penetrate this shadowy underworld of Israeli reality. Even when caught red-handed conducting international espionage, all facts are routinely denied (passport fraud, murder, torture, and, of course, the REAL plans for peace), and at the same time energetically pursued, as if the rest of the world is completely blind...

...Israel using cultural groups to smuggle weapons and capture ex-Nazis...

SJ: How realistic is the scenario of Israeli intelligence operatives using cultural groups as fronts?

GA: Very realistic :: and not even original. Apparently the CIA used jazz musician as political messengers...

SJ: Is it still as important today? We know about art students and movers involved in spying in the US, but double bass players transporting liveex-Nazis?

GA: Obviously this is a send-up and yet they like to ship human being inboxes; they did it more than once...

SJ: Is there a good factual study dealing with all this?

GA: Not really, but then, every Israeli and a Diaspora Zionist Jew is apotentially zio agent.

[SJ: Israel can tap the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.]

We have at the moment more than a few actual investigations inUSA. We all know about Pollard. This fits the Zionist philosophy very well.

If Israel is the state of the Jews then every Jew around the world is anIsraeli sympathizer: every Jew is expected to be loyal to his national state (Israel) rather than the state he dwells in.

When Argentina went through a financial crisis, many of its Jewish habitants moved to Israel; the same happened in the former Soviet Union.

The loyalty of Jews to their host countries is challenged repeatedly by Israel.

When we are talking about cultural manipulation, the Israelis are far aheadof the game...

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