Sunday, March 25, 2007

John Bolton vs The People

BBC panelists and members of the audience, drop their gloves, and grill John Bolton about Iraq.

Female Iraqi Member Of The Audience:

"John Bolton, who are you fooling? I was an anti-war Iraqi back in 2003. I went to the country during the 80's and 90's.

I think the media can really pick up propaganda, about how severe Saddam's dictatorship was."

And Des Brown:

"I don't think us in the audience have selective memories. I think your government and former government, whch have selective memories, when millions were persecuted..

You lost Saddam, basically, in 1991, and he became a pariah, and you decided to go to war."

John Bolton:

"Wait a sec. Wait a sec. Let's go back to 1990. Iraq invaded Kuwait unprovoked, with absolutely no Justification for it. And if anything that was conducted wrong in the response to that invasion,
is that we did not overthrow Saddam Hussein in 1990, or 1991.

that would have removed the threat then. And I think it would have made the world an even safer place."
Female Iraqi Member Of The Audience:

"John, my relatives are Sunni, Christian and Shi'ite. They've been under Saddam's dictatorship for 30 years.

I've lost more relatives in the last FOUR years, than the last 30 years under Saddam.

So, I don't think you can tell me how dangerous Saddam's dictatorship was."

Tony Benn (A Panelist):

* "Saddam was armed by the U.S.

* Rumsfeld visited and wanted to do business whith him.

* Four years ago, Blair said in the House of Commons, Saddam can stay if he disarms.

Is it (Iraq) a better place?

* Half a million Iraqi's died.

* 2 million left the country.

* Half a million are refugees in the country.

* 80% of the Iraqi's want the Coalition out.

* 50% or more, think they're entitled to defend themselves.

It is a war crime that's being committed in Iraq.

There is no moral difference between a Stealth Bomber and a suicide bomber. Both kill innocent people for political reasons."
[Transcribed by me].

The Following Is A Partial Video Clip Of The Debate:

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