Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bloodthirsty Xenophobe of the Day

--Savage Advocated Kill [ing] 100 Million Muslims--

Courtesy of; Media Matters
Wed, Apr 19, 2006

From the April 17 edition of Talk Radio Network's "The Savage Nation:"

Savage: There are too many RDDBs [red-diaper doper babies, Savage's term for people supposedly raised by Marxist parents] in high places and in the media and in the courts for us to stand up to this fanatical enemy.

And so unless the RDDB is reined in somehow or taken out of power, we're going to die as a nation.

I swear to God that's what people are saying to me. And these intelligent people, wealthy people. They are very depressed by the weakness that America is showing to these psychotics in the Muslim World.

They say, "Oh, there's a billion of them."

I said, "So, kill 100 million of them,

Then there'll be 900 million of them."

I mean, would you rather die--Would you rather us die than them?

I mean, what is it going to take for you people to wake up?

Would you rather we disappear or we die?

Or would you rather they disappear and they die?

Because you're going to have to make that choice sooner or later.


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